Marwan Abou Dib
Partner & CEO, Tekuma Inc.

Marwan Abou Dib
Partner & CEO, Tekuma Inc.
He started Tekuma Inc, which brings large-scale art installations into the urban public realm. The firm conceived (with artist Skylar Tibbets) and is now supervising the installation of “Air-Wave”, a large self-oragnizing sculpture that will be the centerpiece of a new public space being developed by Cottonwood Management in Boston’s Seaport Innovation District. Recently, Abou Dib was instrumental in launching another firm, Tekuma |Frenchman Urban Design LLC, which is creating cities and urban districts in China, Korea, and Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, the firm is responsible for the development of new downtowns in seven cities, providing innovative social cultural, and entertainment opportunities for a new generation of Saudi’s to enjoy the benefits of a more open and liberal society being promoted by the Crown Prince.

Monther Abu Remaileh
Senior Postdoctoral scientist, lab of Professor David M. Sabatini

Monther Abu Remaileh
Senior Postdoctoral scientist, lab of Professor David M. Sabatini
Monther Abu-Remaileh is a senior Postdoctoral scientist in the lab of Professor David M. Sabatini. When Abu Remaileh joined the Sabatini lab, he realized that a lack of tools was limiting the ability to study the role of the lysosome in disease. Specifically, the field lacked reliable technologies to isolate lysosomes and techniques to probe its metabolic contents, which is the best measure of lysosome activity. He decided to tackle this problem as he recognized that developing the right technology would yield tremendous insight into diverse aspects of lysosome function in health and disease. Through collaborative efforts Monther developed an innovative approach to tag and rapidly purify intact lysosomes from human cells (a technique he named LysoIP). Next he used his approach to analyze the lysosome content with ultrasensitive liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. His analysis represents the first description of the metabolite content of the human lysosome, which allowed him and others to make several major discoveries of how the lysosome operates to promote metabolic homeostasis.

Tuka Al Hanai
Research Assistant, Spoken Language System Group, MIT CSAIL

Tuka Al Hanai
Research Assistant, Spoken Language System Group, MIT CSAIL
Research assistant, Spoken Language System Group, MIT CSAIL Developed an A.I. system that can detect depression in a conversation. From information on what was said (text) and how it was said (audio) the neural network model can automatically figure out what patterns it should look for. This is different to prior work, where a model is trained to look for specific words (`sad`, ‘down’, ‘therapy’) and questions (‘Do you have a history of depression’). She has also developed an A.I. system that can evaluate the mood of a conversation, by utilizing information form a speaker’s speech, pulse, and movement. The system works even without ever having heard the person before, and can determine to high accuracy whether they were happy or sad. Using a neural network, the system can automatically determine what signals to look for and can make evaluations in real-time.

Abdul Mohsen Al Husseini
Founding CTO, Analytical Space

Abdul Mohsen Al Husseini
Founding CTO, Analytical Space
Founding CTO of Analytical Space- developing a network of nano-satellites that will provide a communication backbone for remote sensing satellites and remote industrial IoT applications, enabling planet-level analytics and the global industrial internet. Analytical Space, Inc. (ASI) is addressing the ownlink bottleneck with a planned LEO network capable of drastically improving data offload capacity through a combination of bidirectional radio-frequency crosslinks and high speed optical downlinks. When fully eployed and operational, our network of relay satellites in LEO will enable EO assets to downlink at any time over their entire orbital period.

Amad Al Masodi
CEO and Founder, Aqarmap

Amad Al Masodi
CEO and Founder, Aqarmap
Almsaodi built aqarmap.com to be the leading player in Egypt, employing more than 120 engineers and professionals. Aqarmap now has more than 1.5 Million registered users, and has helped sell more than 15,000 properties in 2017 alone, worth more than 500 Million USD. The company created several unique inventions including the award-winning Automated Valuation Model which automatically values properties using artificial intelligence,

Sadeem Al Marri
Product Analyst, Tamkeen Tech

Sadeem Al Marri
Product Analyst, Tamkeen Tech
Computer Science Graduate from Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University- Created a 3D printed robotic hand that translates Arabic texts entered in the mobile application into the equivalent Arabic sign language alphabet gestures that act as a mean of communication between the deaf or deaf-blind person and the world. In addition, it can be used as a tool to aid in teaching sign language for deaf people and those who want to learn sign language.

Derya Baran
Founder, Iyris

Derya Baran
Founder, Iyris
Professor at King Abdulaziz University for Science and Technology.Founder of iyris. The iyris innovation allows any window to become a solar cell. Our technology absorbs the infrared portion of the spectrum to produce electricity, whilst at the same time blocking heat from passing through and leaving the window transparent to our eyes. We coat our technology directly on commercially available glass, seal this as a double glazed window unit and the iyris panel is ready to be sold. This glass can be directly integrated in to a building’s fabrication allowing it to produce electricity and reduce heating invisibly.

Essa Basaeed
Head of Technical Studies Section, General Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Dubai Police

Essa Basaeed
Head of Technical Studies Section, General Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Dubai Police
Head of Technical Studies Section, General Dept. of Artificial Intelligence at DP. Created. Created an algorithm that represents a paradigm change in the methodology of how police patrols are currently placed, for them to respond more efficiently to emergencies. It also allows a better utilization of available resources. In addition, it can help in better planning for the expanding city.

Firas Khalifeh
Co-founder and CTO, Carbon Mobile

Firas Khalifeh
Co-founder and CTO, Carbon Mobile
Co-founder and CTO at Carbon Mobile, Inc, headquartered in Berlin, Germany. His company built the world thinnest, lightest and strongest smartphone. Carbon is the thinnest, lightest and strongest smartphone ever made, at 4.6mm and 107g. Its composites unibody removes the need for a metal chassis, gaining 30% of space and removing 40% ofweight. It is the first personal electronic device to be cooled with graphene. It has the first single sided mainboard ever in a smartphone and it has a 0.33mm but ultra-strong glass.

Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem
Assistant Professor, Osaka University

Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem
Assistant Professor, Osaka University