Khalifa Juma AlQama
Head of Labs at the Dubai Future Foundation (DFF)
Khalifa Juma AlQama is the Head of Labs at the Dubai Future Foundation (DFF). Since early 2018, he leads the Dubai Future Labs (DFL), which will include laboratories such as R.LAB, and others that will be announced in the near future.
With the vision and persistence to explore opportunities of untapped potential, Alqama has founded the multi-disciplinary engineering firm focused on fire prevention named Opsys LLC, which serves the region’s oil and gas, manufacturing and telecommunications industries with the state-of-the-art cutting-edge system, the CAP9 Fire Prevention System.
Prior to becoming CEO of Opsys LLC, Alqama has successfully owned and managed several businesses in multiple fields. Such as, engineering and printed electronics.
Alqama believes that his 10+ years of leadership and business management skills, he is able to add value to a society that creates opportunities and thrives to change.